#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Module containing the Genrestr class and the command line interface."""
import os
import argparse
from biobb_common.generic.biobb_object import BiobbObject
from biobb_common.configuration import settings
from biobb_common.tools import file_utils as fu
from biobb_common.tools.file_utils import launchlogger
from biobb_md.gromacs.common import get_gromacs_version
from biobb_md.gromacs.common import GromacsVersionError
[docs]class Genrestr(BiobbObject):
| biobb_md Genrestr
| Wrapper of the `GROMACS genrestr <http://manual.gromacs.org/current/onlinehelp/gmx-genrestr.html>`_ module.
| The GROMACS genrestr module, produces an #include file for a topology containing a list of atom numbers and three force constants for the x-, y-, and z-direction based on the contents of the -f file. A single isotropic force constant may be given on the command line instead of three components.
input_structure_path (str): Path to the input structure PDB, GRO or TPR format. File type: input. `Sample file <https://github.com/bioexcel/biobb_md/raw/master/biobb_md/test/data/gromacs/genrestr.gro>`_. Accepted formats: pdb (edam:format_1476), gro (edam:format_2033), tpr (edam:format_2333).
output_itp_path (str): Path the output ITP topology file with restrains. File type: output. `Sample file <https://github.com/bioexcel/biobb_md/raw/master/biobb_md/test/reference/gromacs/ref_genrestr.itp>`_. Accepted formats: itp (edam:format_3883).
input_ndx_path (str) (Optional): Path to the input GROMACS index file, NDX format. File type: input. `Sample file <https://github.com/bioexcel/biobb_md/raw/master/biobb_md/test/data/gromacs/genrestr.ndx>`_. Accepted formats: ndx (edam:format_2033).
properties (dict - Python dictionary object containing the tool parameters, not input/output files):
* **restrained_group** (*str*) - ("system") Index group that will be restrained.
* **force_constants** (*str*) - ("500 500 500") Array of three floats defining the force constants
* **gmx_lib** (*str*) - (None) Path set GROMACS GMXLIB environment variable.
* **gmx_path** (*str*) - ("gmx") Path to the GROMACS executable binary.
* **remove_tmp** (*bool*) - (True) [WF property] Remove temporal files.
* **restart** (*bool*) - (False) [WF property] Do not execute if output files exist.
* **sandbox_path** (*str*) - ("./") [WF property] Parent path to the sandbox directory.
* **container_path** (*str*) - (None) Path to the binary executable of your container.
* **container_image** (*str*) - ("gromacs/gromacs:latest") Container Image identifier.
* **container_volume_path** (*str*) - ("/data") Path to an internal directory in the container.
* **container_working_dir** (*str*) - (None) Path to the internal CWD in the container.
* **container_user_id** (*str*) - (None) User number id to be mapped inside the container.
* **container_shell_path** (*str*) - ("/bin/bash") Path to the binary executable of the container shell.
This is a use example of how to use the building block from Python::
from biobb_md.gromacs.genrestr import genrestr
prop = { 'restrained_group': 'system',
'force_constants': '500 500 500' }
* wrapped_software:
* name: GROMACS Genrestr
* version: >5.1
* license: LGPL 2.1
* ontology:
* name: EDAM
* schema: http://edamontology.org/EDAM.owl
def __init__(self, input_structure_path: str, output_itp_path: str, input_ndx_path: str = None,
properties: dict = None, **kwargs) -> None:
properties = properties or {}
# Call parent class constructor
# Input/Output files
self.io_dict = {
"in": {"input_structure_path": input_structure_path, "input_ndx_path": input_ndx_path},
"out": {"output_itp_path": output_itp_path}
# Properties specific for BB
self.force_constants = str(properties.get('force_constants', '500 500 500'))
self.restrained_group = properties.get('restrained_group', 'system')
# Properties common in all GROMACS BB
self.gmx_lib = properties.get('gmx_lib', None)
self.gmx_path = properties.get('gmx_path', 'gmx')
self.gmx_nobackup = properties.get('gmx_nobackup', True)
self.gmx_nocopyright = properties.get('gmx_nocopyright', True)
if self.gmx_nobackup:
self.gmx_path += ' -nobackup'
if self.gmx_nocopyright:
self.gmx_path += ' -nocopyright'
if not self.container_path:
self.gmx_version = get_gromacs_version(self.gmx_path)
# Check the properties
[docs] @launchlogger
def launch(self) -> int:
"""Execute the :class:`Grompp <gromacs.grompp.Grompp>` object."""
# Setup Biobb
if self.check_restart():
return 0
self.cmd = ['echo', '\"'+self.restrained_group+'\"', '|',
self.gmx_path, "genrestr",
"-f", self.stage_io_dict["in"]["input_structure_path"],
"-o", self.stage_io_dict["out"]["output_itp_path"],
"-fc", self.force_constants]
if self.stage_io_dict["in"].get("input_ndx_path"):
if self.gmx_lib:
self.environment = os.environ.copy()
self.environment['GMXLIB'] = self.gmx_lib
# Check GROMACS version
if not self.container_path:
if self.gmx_version < 512:
raise GromacsVersionError("Gromacs version should be 5.1.2 or newer %d detected" % self.gmx_version)
fu.log("GROMACS %s %d version detected" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.gmx_version), self.out_log)
# Run Biobb block
# Copy files to host
# Remove temporal files
return self.return_code
[docs]def genrestr(input_structure_path: str, output_itp_path: str,
input_ndx_path: str = None, properties: dict = None, **kwargs) -> int:
"""Create :class:`Genrestr <gromacs.genrestr.Genrestr>` class and
execute the :meth:`launch() <gromacs.genrestr.Genrestr.launch>` method."""
return Genrestr(input_structure_path=input_structure_path, output_itp_path=output_itp_path,
input_ndx_path=input_ndx_path, properties=properties, **kwargs).launch()
[docs]def main():
"""Command line execution of this building block. Please check the command line documentation."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Wrapper for the GROMACS genion module.",
formatter_class=lambda prog: argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter(prog, width=99999))
parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', required=False, help="This file can be a YAML file, JSON file or JSON string")
# Specific args of each building block
required_args = parser.add_argument_group('required arguments')
required_args.add_argument('--input_structure_path', required=True)
required_args.add_argument('--output_itp_path', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--input_ndx_path', required=False)
args = parser.parse_args()
config = args.config if args.config else None
properties = settings.ConfReader(config=config).get_prop_dic()
# Specific call of each building block
genrestr(input_structure_path=args.input_structure_path, input_ndx_path=args.input_ndx_path,
output_itp_path=args.output_itp_path, properties=properties)
if __name__ == '__main__':