BioBB MD Command Line Help
Generic usage:
biobb_command [-h] --config CONFIG --input_file(s) <input_file(s)> --output_file <output_file>
Wrapper of the GROMACS mdrun module.
Get help
mdrun -h
/bin/sh: mdrun: command not found
I / O Arguments
Syntax: input_argument (datatype) : Definition
Config input / output arguments for this building block:
input_tpr_path (string): Path to the portable binary run input file TPR. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: TPR
output_trr_path (string): Path to the GROMACS uncompressed raw trajectory file TRR. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: TRR
output_gro_path (string): Path to the output GROMACS structure GRO file. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: GRO
output_edr_path (string): Path to the output GROMACS portable energy file EDR. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: EDR
output_log_path (string): Path to the output GROMACS trajectory log file LOG. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: LOG
input_cpt_path (string): Path to the input GROMACS checkpoint file CPT. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: CPT
output_xtc_path (string): Path to the GROMACS compressed trajectory file XTC. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: XTC
output_cpt_path (string): Path to the output GROMACS checkpoint file CPT. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: CPT
output_dhdl_path (string): Path to the output dhdl.xvg file only used when free energy calculation is turned on. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: XVG
Syntax: input_parameter (datatype) - (default_value) Definition
Config parameters for this building block:
mpi_bin (string): (None) Path to the MPI runner. Usually “mpirun” or “srun”..
mpi_np (integer): (0) Number of MPI processes. Usually an integer bigger than 1..
mpi_flags (string): (None) Path to the MPI hostlist file..
checkpoint_time (integer): (15) Checkpoint writing interval in minutes. Only enabled if an output_cpt_path is provided..
num_threads (integer): (0) Let GROMACS guess. The number of threads that are going to be used..
num_threads_mpi (integer): (0) Let GROMACS guess. The number of GROMACS MPI threads that are going to be used..
num_threads_omp (integer): (0) Let GROMACS guess. The number of GROMACS OPENMP threads that are going to be used..
num_threads_omp_pme (integer): (0) Let GROMACS guess. The number of GROMACS OPENMP_PME threads that are going to be used..
use_gpu (boolean): (False) Use settings appropriate for GPU. Adds: -nb gpu -pme gpu.
gpu_id (string): (None) List of unique GPU device IDs available to use..
gpu_tasks (string): (None) List of GPU device IDs, mapping each PP task on each node to a device..
gmx_lib (string): (None) Path set GROMACS GMXLIB environment variable..
gmx_path (string): (gmx) Path to the GROMACS executable binary..
remove_tmp (boolean): (True) Remove temporal files..
restart (boolean): (False) Do not execute if output files exist..
container_path (string): (None) Path to the binary executable of your container..
container_image (string): (gromacs/gromacs:latest) Container Image identifier..
container_volume_path (string): (/data) Path to an internal directory in the container..
container_working_dir (string): (None) Path to the internal CWD in the container..
container_user_id (string): (None) User number id to be mapped inside the container..
container_shell_path (string): (/bin/bash) Path to the binary executable of the container shell..
Common config file
gmx_path: gmx
num_threads: 0
Docker config file
container_image: longr/gromacs-docker:latest
container_path: docker
container_volume_path: /inout
Singularity config file
container_image: gromacs.simg
container_path: singularity
container_volume_path: /inout
Command line
mdrun --config config_mdrun.yml --input_tpr_path mdrun.tpr --output_trr_path ref_mdrun.trr --output_gro_path ref_mdrun.gro --output_edr_path ref_mdrun.edr --output_log_path ref_mdrun.log --input_cpt_path input.cpt --output_xtc_path output.xtc --output_cpt_path output.cpt --output_dhdl_path output.xvg
Common config file
"properties": {
"num_threads": 0,
"gmx_path": "gmx"
Docker config file
"properties": {
"container_path": "docker",
"container_image": "longr/gromacs-docker:latest",
"container_volume_path": "/inout"
Singularity config file
"properties": {
"container_path": "singularity",
"container_image": "gromacs.simg",
"container_volume_path": "/inout"
Command line
mdrun --config config_mdrun.json --input_tpr_path mdrun.tpr --output_trr_path ref_mdrun.trr --output_gro_path ref_mdrun.gro --output_edr_path ref_mdrun.edr --output_log_path ref_mdrun.log --input_cpt_path input.cpt --output_xtc_path output.xtc --output_cpt_path output.cpt --output_dhdl_path output.xvg
Wrapper of the GROMACS make_ndx module.
Get help
make_ndx -h
/bin/sh: make_ndx: command not found
I / O Arguments
Syntax: input_argument (datatype) : Definition
Config input / output arguments for this building block:
input_structure_path (string): Path to the input GRO/PDB/TPR file. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: GRO, PDB, TPR
output_ndx_path (string): Path to the output index NDX file. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: NDX
input_ndx_path (string): Path to the input index NDX file. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: NDX
Syntax: input_parameter (datatype) - (default_value) Definition
Config parameters for this building block:
selection (string): (a CA C N O) Heavy atoms. Atom selection string..
gmx_lib (string): (None) Path set GROMACS GMXLIB environment variable..
gmx_path (string): (gmx) Path to the GROMACS executable binary..
remove_tmp (boolean): (True) Remove temporal files..
restart (boolean): (False) Do not execute if output files exist..
container_path (string): (None) Path to the binary executable of your container..
container_image (string): (gromacs/gromacs:latest) Container Image identifier..
container_volume_path (string): (/data) Path to an internal directory in the container..
container_working_dir (string): (None) Path to the internal CWD in the container..
container_user_id (string): (None) User number id to be mapped inside the container..
container_shell_path (string): (/bin/bash) Path to the binary executable of the container shell..
Common config file
selection: a CA C N O
Docker config file
container_image: longr/gromacs-docker:latest
container_path: docker
container_volume_path: /tmp
Singularity config file
container_image: gromacs.simg
container_path: singularity
container_volume_path: /tmp
Command line
make_ndx --config config_make_ndx.yml --input_structure_path make_ndx.tpr --output_ndx_path ref_make_ndx.ndx --input_ndx_path input.ndx
Common config file
"properties": {
"selection": "a CA C N O"
Docker config file
"properties": {
"container_path": "docker",
"container_image": "longr/gromacs-docker:latest",
"container_volume_path": "/tmp"
Singularity config file
"properties": {
"container_path": "singularity",
"container_image": "gromacs.simg",
"container_volume_path": "/tmp"
Command line
make_ndx --config config_make_ndx.json --input_structure_path make_ndx.tpr --output_ndx_path ref_make_ndx.ndx --input_ndx_path input.ndx
Wrapper class for the GROMACS editconf module.
Get help
editconf -h
/bin/sh: editconf: command not found
I / O Arguments
Syntax: input_argument (datatype) : Definition
Config input / output arguments for this building block:
input_gro_path (string): Path to the input GRO file. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: GRO, PDB
output_gro_path (string): Path to the output GRO file. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: GRO, PDB
Syntax: input_parameter (datatype) - (default_value) Definition
Config parameters for this building block:
distance_to_molecule (number): (1.0) Distance of the box from the outermost atom in nm. ie 1.0nm = 10 Angstroms..
box_type (string): (cubic) Geometrical shape of the solvent box. .
center_molecule (boolean): (True) Center molecule in the box..
gmx_lib (string): (None) Path set GROMACS GMXLIB environment variable..
gmx_path (string): (gmx) Path to the GROMACS executable binary..
remove_tmp (boolean): (True) Remove temporal files..
restart (boolean): (False) Do not execute if output files exist..
container_path (string): (None) Path to the binary executable of your container..
container_image (string): (gromacs/gromacs:latest) Container Image identifier..
container_volume_path (string): (/data) Path to an internal directory in the container..
container_working_dir (string): (None) Path to the internal CWD in the container..
container_user_id (string): (None) User number id to be mapped inside the container..
container_shell_path (string): (/bin/bash) Path to the binary executable of the container shell..
Common config file
box_type: cubic
distance_to_molecule: 1.0
Docker config file
container_image: longr/gromacs-docker:latest
container_path: docker
container_volume_path: /tmp
Singularity config file
container_image: gromacs.simg
container_path: singularity
container_volume_path: /tmp
Command line
editconf --config config_editconf.yml --input_gro_path editconf.gro --output_gro_path ref_editconf.gro
Common config file
"properties": {
"distance_to_molecule": 1.0,
"box_type": "cubic"
Docker config file
"properties": {
"container_path": "docker",
"container_image": "longr/gromacs-docker:latest",
"container_volume_path": "/tmp"
Singularity config file
"properties": {
"container_path": "singularity",
"container_image": "gromacs.simg",
"container_volume_path": "/tmp"
Command line
editconf --config config_editconf.json --input_gro_path editconf.gro --output_gro_path ref_editconf.gro
Generate a restrained topology from an index NDX file.
Get help
ndx2resttop -h
/bin/sh: ndx2resttop: command not found
I / O Arguments
Syntax: input_argument (datatype) : Definition
Config input / output arguments for this building block:
input_ndx_path (string): Path to the input NDX index file. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: NDX
input_top_zip_path (string): Path the input TOP topology in zip format. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: ZIP
output_top_zip_path (string): Path the output TOP topology in zip format. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: ZIP
Syntax: input_parameter (datatype) - (default_value) Definition
Config parameters for this building block:
force_constants (string): (500 500 500) Array of three floats defining the force constants..
ref_rest_chain_triplet_list (string): (None) Triplet list composed by (reference group, restrain group, chain) list..
Common config file
ref_rest_chain_triplet_list: ( Chain_A, Chain_A_noMut, A ), ( Chain_B, Chain_B_noMut,
B ), ( Chain_C, Chain_C_noMut, C ), ( Chain_D, Chain_D_noMut, D )
Command line
ndx2resttop --config config_ndx2resttop.yml --input_ndx_path ndx2resttop.ndx --input_top_zip_path --output_top_zip_path
Common config file
"properties": {
"ref_rest_chain_triplet_list": "( Chain_A, Chain_A_noMut, A ), ( Chain_B, Chain_B_noMut, B ), ( Chain_C, Chain_C_noMut, C ), ( Chain_D, Chain_D_noMut, D )"
Command line
ndx2resttop --config config_ndx2resttop.json --input_ndx_path ndx2resttop.ndx --input_top_zip_path --output_top_zip_path
Wrapper of the GROMACS grompp module.
Get help
grompp -h
/bin/sh: grompp: command not found
I / O Arguments
Syntax: input_argument (datatype) : Definition
Config input / output arguments for this building block:
input_gro_path (string): Path to the input GROMACS structure GRO file. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: GRO
input_top_zip_path (string): Path to the input GROMACS topology TOP and ITP files in zip format. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: ZIP
output_tpr_path (string): Path to the output portable binary run file TPR. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: TPR
input_cpt_path (string): Path to the input GROMACS checkpoint file CPT. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: CPT
input_ndx_path (string): Path to the input GROMACS index files NDX. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: NDX
input_mdp_path (string): Path to the input GROMACS MDP file. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: MDP
Syntax: input_parameter (datatype) - (default_value) Definition
Config parameters for this building block:
mdp (object): ({}) MDP options specification..
simulation_type (string): (None) Default options for the mdp file. Each one creates a different mdp file. .
maxwarn (integer): (0) Maximum number of allowed warnings. If simulation_type is index default is 10..
gmx_lib (string): (None) Path set GROMACS GMXLIB environment variable..
gmx_path (string): (gmx) Path to the GROMACS executable binary..
remove_tmp (boolean): (True) Remove temporal files..
restart (boolean): (False) Do not execute if output files exist..
container_path (string): (None) Path to the binary executable of your container..
container_image (string): (gromacs/gromacs:latest) Container Image identifier..
container_volume_path (string): (/data) Path to an internal directory in the container..
container_working_dir (string): (None) Path to the internal CWD in the container..
container_user_id (string): (None) User number id to be mapped inside the container..
container_shell_path (string): (/bin/bash) Path to the binary executable of the container shell..
Common config file
maxwarn: 1
ld-seed: '1'
Docker config file
container_image: gromacs/gromacs:latest
container_path: docker
container_volume_path: /inout
container_working_dir: /inout
maxwarn: 1
ld-seed: '1'
Singularity config file
container_image: gromacs.simg
container_path: singularity
container_volume_path: /inout
container_working_dir: /inout
maxwarn: 1
ld-seed: '1'
Command line
grompp --config config_grompp.yml --input_gro_path grompp.gro --input_top_zip_path --output_tpr_path ref_grompp.tpr --input_cpt_path input.cpt --input_ndx_path input.ndx --input_mdp_path input.mdp
Common config file
"properties": {
"maxwarn": 1,
"mdp": {
"ld-seed": "1"
Docker config file
"properties": {
"maxwarn": 1,
"mdp": {
"ld-seed": "1"
"container_path": "docker",
"container_image": "gromacs/gromacs:latest",
"container_volume_path": "/inout",
"container_working_dir": "/inout"
Singularity config file
"properties": {
"maxwarn": 1,
"mdp": {
"ld-seed": "1"
"container_path": "singularity",
"container_image": "gromacs.simg",
"container_volume_path": "/inout",
"container_working_dir": "/inout"
Command line
grompp --config config_grompp.json --input_gro_path grompp.gro --input_top_zip_path --output_tpr_path ref_grompp.tpr --input_cpt_path input.cpt --input_ndx_path input.ndx --input_mdp_path input.mdp
Wrapper of the GROMACS select module.
Get help
gmxselect -h
/bin/sh: gmxselect: command not found
I / O Arguments
Syntax: input_argument (datatype) : Definition
Config input / output arguments for this building block:
input_structure_path (string): Path to the input GRO/PDB/TPR file. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: PDB, GRO, TPR
output_ndx_path (string): Path to the output index NDX file. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: NDX
input_ndx_path (string): Path to the input index NDX file. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: NDX
Syntax: input_parameter (datatype) - (default_value) Definition
Config parameters for this building block:
selection (string): (a CA C N O) Heavy atoms. Atom selection string..
append (boolean): (False) Append the content of the input_ndx_path to the output_ndx_path..
gmx_path (string): (gmx) Path to the GROMACS executable binary..
gmx_lib (string): (None) Path set GROMACS GMXLIB environment variable..
remove_tmp (boolean): (True) Remove temporal files..
restart (boolean): (False) Do not execute if output files exist..
container_path (string): (None) Path to the binary executable of your container..
container_image (string): (gromacs/gromacs:latest) Container Image identifier..
container_volume_path (string): (/data) Path to an internal directory in the container..
container_working_dir (string): (None) Path to the internal CWD in the container..
container_user_id (string): (None) User number id to be mapped inside the container..
container_shell_path (string): (/bin/bash) Path to the binary executable of the container shell..
Common config file
selection: '"Mynewgroup" group "Protein-H" and not same residue as within 0.4 of
resname ARG'
Docker config file
container_image: gromacs/gromacs:latest
container_path: docker
container_volume_path: /inout
selection: \"Mynewgroup\" group \"Protein-H\" and not same residue as within 0.4
of resname ARG
Singularity config file
container_image: gromacs.simg
container_path: singularity
container_volume_path: /inout
selection: '"Mynewgroup" group "Protein-H" and not same residue as within 0.4 of
resname ARG'
Command line
gmxselect --config config_gmxselect.yml --input_structure_path make_ndx.tpr --output_ndx_path ref_select.ndx --input_ndx_path input.ndx
Common config file
"properties": {
"selection": "\"Mynewgroup\" group \"Protein-H\" and not same residue as within 0.4 of resname ARG"
Docker config file
"properties": {
"selection": "\\\"Mynewgroup\\\" group \\\"Protein-H\\\" and not same residue as within 0.4 of resname ARG",
"container_path": "docker",
"container_image": "gromacs/gromacs:latest",
"container_volume_path": "/inout"
Singularity config file
"properties": {
"selection": "\"Mynewgroup\" group \"Protein-H\" and not same residue as within 0.4 of resname ARG",
"container_path": "singularity",
"container_image": "gromacs.simg",
"container_volume_path": "/inout"
Command line
gmxselect --config config_gmxselect.json --input_structure_path make_ndx.tpr --output_ndx_path ref_select.ndx --input_ndx_path input.ndx
Wrapper class for the GROMACS pdb2gmx module.
Get help
pdb2gmx -h
/bin/sh: pdb2gmx: command not found
I / O Arguments
Syntax: input_argument (datatype) : Definition
Config input / output arguments for this building block:
input_pdb_path (string): Path to the input PDB file. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: PDB
output_gro_path (string): Path to the output GRO file. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: GRO
output_top_zip_path (string): Path the output TOP topology in zip format. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: ZIP
Syntax: input_parameter (datatype) - (default_value) Definition
Config parameters for this building block:
water_type (string): (spce) Water molecule type. .
force_field (string): (amber99sb-ildn) Force field to be used during the conversion. .
ignh (boolean): (False) Should pdb2gmx ignore the hidrogens in the original structure..
his (string): (None) Histidine protonation array..
merge (boolean): (False) Merge all chains into a single molecule..
gmx_lib (string): (None) Path set GROMACS GMXLIB environment variable..
gmx_path (string): (gmx) Path to the GROMACS executable binary..
remove_tmp (boolean): (True) Remove temporal files..
restart (boolean): (False) Do not execute if output files exist..
container_path (string): (None) Path to the binary executable of your container..
container_image (string): (gromacs/gromacs:latest) Container Image identifier..
container_volume_path (string): (/data) Path to an internal directory in the container..
container_working_dir (string): (None) Path to the internal CWD in the container..
container_user_id (string): (None) User number id to be mapped inside the container..
container_shell_path (string): (/bin/bash) Path to the binary executable of the container shell..
Common config file
his: 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
Docker config file
container_image: longr/gromacs-docker:latest
container_path: docker
container_volume_path: /inout
his: 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
Singularity config file
container_image: gromacs.simg
container_path: singularity
container_volume_path: /inout
his: 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
Command line
pdb2gmx --config config_pdb2gmx.yml --input_pdb_path egfr.pdb --output_gro_path ref_pdb2gmx.gro --output_top_zip_path
Common config file
"properties": {
"his": "0 0 1 1 0 0 0"
Docker config file
"properties": {
"his": "0 0 1 1 0 0 0",
"container_path": "docker",
"container_image": "longr/gromacs-docker:latest",
"container_volume_path": "/inout"
Singularity config file
"properties": {
"his": "0 0 1 1 0 0 0",
"container_path": "singularity",
"container_image": "gromacs.simg",
"container_volume_path": "/inout"
Command line
pdb2gmx --config config_pdb2gmx.json --input_pdb_path egfr.pdb --output_gro_path ref_pdb2gmx.gro --output_top_zip_path
This class takes a ligand ITP file and inserts it in a topology.
Get help
append_ligand -h
/bin/sh: append_ligand: command not found
I / O Arguments
Syntax: input_argument (datatype) : Definition
Config input / output arguments for this building block:
input_top_zip_path (string): Path the input topology TOP and ITP files zipball. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: ZIP
input_itp_path (string): Path to the ligand ITP file to be inserted in the topology. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: ITP
output_top_zip_path (string): Path/Name the output topology TOP and ITP files zipball. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: ZIP
input_posres_itp_path (string): Path to the position restriction ITP file. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: ITP
Syntax: input_parameter (datatype) - (default_value) Definition
Config parameters for this building block:
posres_name (string): (POSRES_LIGAND) String to be included in the ifdef clause..
remove_tmp (boolean): (True) Remove temporal files..
restart (boolean): (False) Do not execute if output files exist..
Common config file
posres_name: POSRES_LIGAND
Command line
append_ligand --config config_append_ligand.yml --input_top_zip_path --input_itp_path pep_ligand.itp --output_top_zip_path --input_posres_itp_path input.itp
Common config file
"properties": {
"posres_name": "POSRES_LIGAND"
Command line
append_ligand --config config_append_ligand.json --input_top_zip_path --input_itp_path pep_ligand.itp --output_top_zip_path --input_posres_itp_path input.itp
Wrapper of the GROMACS solvate module.
Get help
solvate -h
/bin/sh: solvate: command not found
I / O Arguments
Syntax: input_argument (datatype) : Definition
Config input / output arguments for this building block:
input_solute_gro_path (string): Path to the input GRO file. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: GRO
output_gro_path (string): Path to the output GRO file. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: GRO
input_top_zip_path (string): Path the input TOP topology in zip format. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: ZIP
output_top_zip_path (string): Path the output topology in zip format. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: ZIP
input_solvent_gro_path (string): (spc216.gro) Path to the GRO file containing the structure of the solvent. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: GRO
Syntax: input_parameter (datatype) - (default_value) Definition
Config parameters for this building block:
shell (number): (0.0) Thickness in nanometers of optional water layer around solute..
gmx_lib (string): (None) Path set GROMACS GMXLIB environment variable..
gmx_path (string): (gmx) Path to the GROMACS executable binary..
remove_tmp (boolean): (True) Remove temporal files..
restart (boolean): (False) Do not execute if output files exist..
container_path (string): (None) Path to the binary executable of your container..
container_image (string): (gromacs/gromacs:latest) Container Image identifier..
container_volume_path (string): (/data) Path to an internal directory in the container..
container_working_dir (string): (None) Path to the internal CWD in the container..
container_user_id (string): (None) User number id to be mapped inside the container..
container_shell_path (string): (/bin/bash) Path to the binary executable of the container shell..
Common config file
gmx_path: gmx
restart: 'False'
Docker config file
container_image: longr/gromacs-docker:latest
container_path: docker
container_volume_path: /inout
Singularity config file
container_image: gromacs.simg
container_path: singularity
container_volume_path: /inout
Command line
solvate --config config_solvate.yml --input_solute_gro_path solvate.gro --output_gro_path ref_solvate.gro --input_top_zip_path --output_top_zip_path --input_solvent_gro_path input.gro
Common config file
"properties": {
"gmx_path": "gmx",
"restart": "False"
Docker config file
"properties": {
"container_path": "docker",
"container_image": "longr/gromacs-docker:latest",
"container_volume_path": "/inout"
Singularity config file
"properties": {
"container_path": "singularity",
"container_image": "gromacs.simg",
"container_volume_path": "/inout"
Command line
solvate --config config_solvate.json --input_solute_gro_path solvate.gro --output_gro_path ref_solvate.gro --input_top_zip_path --output_top_zip_path --input_solvent_gro_path input.gro
Wrapper class for the GROMACS genion module.
Get help
genion -h
/bin/sh: genion: command not found
I / O Arguments
Syntax: input_argument (datatype) : Definition
Config input / output arguments for this building block:
input_tpr_path (string): Path to the input portable run input TPR file. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: TPR
output_gro_path (string): Path to the input structure GRO file. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: GRO
input_top_zip_path (string): Path the input TOP topology in zip format. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: ZIP
output_top_zip_path (string): Path the output topology TOP and ITP files zipball. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: ZIP
input_ndx_path (string): Path to the input index NDX file. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: NDX
Syntax: input_parameter (datatype) - (default_value) Definition
Config parameters for this building block:
replaced_group (string): (SOL) Group of molecules that will be replaced by the solvent..
neutral (boolean): (False) Neutralize the charge of the system..
concentration (number): (0.05) Concentration of the ions in (mol/liter)..
seed (integer): (1993) Seed for random number generator..
gmx_lib (string): (None) Path set GROMACS GMXLIB environment variable..
gmx_path (string): (gmx) Path to the GROMACS executable binary..
remove_tmp (boolean): (True) Remove temporal files..
restart (boolean): (False) Do not execute if output files exist..
container_path (string): (None) Path to the binary executable of your container..
container_image (string): (gromacs/gromacs:latest) Container Image identifier..
container_volume_path (string): (/data) Path to an internal directory in the container..
container_working_dir (string): (None) Path to the internal CWD in the container..
container_user_id (string): (None) User number id to be mapped inside the container..
container_shell_path (string): (/bin/bash) Path to the binary executable of the container shell..
Common config file
concentration: 0.05
replaced_group: SOL
Docker config file
container_image: longr/gromacs-docker:latest
container_path: docker
container_volume_path: /data
container_working_dir: /data
Singularity config file
container_image: gromacs.simg
container_path: singularity
container_volume_path: /data
container_working_dir: /data
Command line
genion --config config_genion.yml --input_tpr_path genion.tpr --output_gro_path ref_genion.gro --input_top_zip_path --output_top_zip_path --input_ndx_path input.ndx
Common config file
"properties": {
"concentration": 0.05,
"replaced_group": "SOL"
Docker config file
"properties": {
"container_path": "docker",
"container_image": "longr/gromacs-docker:latest",
"container_volume_path": "/data",
"container_working_dir": "/data"
Singularity config file
"properties": {
"container_path": "singularity",
"container_image": "gromacs.simg",
"container_volume_path": "/data",
"container_working_dir": "/data"
Command line
genion --config config_genion.json --input_tpr_path genion.tpr --output_gro_path ref_genion.gro --input_top_zip_path --output_top_zip_path --input_ndx_path input.ndx
Wrapper of the GROMACS grompp module and the GROMACS mdrun module.
Get help
grompp_mdrun -h
/bin/sh: grompp_mdrun: command not found
I / O Arguments
Syntax: input_argument (datatype) : Definition
Config input / output arguments for this building block:
input_gro_path (string): Path to the input GROMACS structure GRO file. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: GRO
input_top_zip_path (string): Path to the input GROMACS topology TOP and ITP files in zip format. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: ZIP
output_trr_path (string): Path to the GROMACS uncompressed raw trajectory file TRR. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: TRR
output_gro_path (string): Path to the output GROMACS structure GRO file. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: GRO
output_edr_path (string): Path to the output GROMACS portable energy file EDR. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: EDR
output_log_path (string): Path to the output GROMACS trajectory log file LOG. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: LOG
input_cpt_path (string): Path to the input GROMACS checkpoint file CPT. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: CPT
input_ndx_path (string): Path to the input GROMACS index files NDX. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: NDX
input_mdp_path (string): Path to the input GROMACS MDP file. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: MDP
output_xtc_path (string): Path to the GROMACS compressed trajectory file XTC. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: XTC
output_cpt_path (string): Path to the output GROMACS checkpoint file CPT. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: CPT
output_dhdl_path (string): Path to the output dhdl.xvg file only used when free energy calculation is turned on. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: XVG
Syntax: input_parameter (datatype) - (default_value) Definition
Config parameters for this building block:
mdp (object): ({}) MDP options specification..
simulation_type (string): (minimization) Default options for the mdp file. Each creates a different mdp file. .
maxwarn (integer): (10) Maximum number of allowed warnings..
mpi_bin (string): (None) Path to the MPI runner. Usually “mpirun” or “srun”..
mpi_np (string): (None) Number of MPI processes. Usually an integer bigger than 1..
mpi_hostlist (string): (None) Path to the MPI hostlist file..
checkpoint_time (integer): (15) Checkpoint writing interval in minutes. Only enabled if an output_cpt_path is provided..
num_threads (integer): (0) Let GROMACS guess. The number of threads that are going to be used..
num_threads_mpi (integer): (0) Let GROMACS guess. The number of GROMACS MPI threads that are going to be used..
num_threads_omp (integer): (0) Let GROMACS guess. The number of GROMACS OPENMP threads that are going to be used..
num_threads_omp_pme (integer): (0) Let GROMACS guess. The number of GROMACS OPENMP_PME threads that are going to be used..
use_gpu (boolean): (False) Use settings appropriate for GPU. Adds: -nb gpu -pme gpu.
gpu_id (string): (None) List of unique GPU device IDs available to use..
gpu_tasks (string): (None) List of GPU device IDs, mapping each PP task on each node to a device..
gmx_lib (string): (None) Path set GROMACS GMXLIB environment variable..
gmx_path (string): (gmx) Path to the GROMACS executable binary..
remove_tmp (boolean): (True) Remove temporal files..
restart (boolean): (False) Do not execute if output files exist..
container_path (string): (None) Path to the binary executable of your container..
container_image (string): (gromacs/gromacs:latest) Container Image identifier..
container_volume_path (string): (/data) Path to an internal directory in the container..
container_working_dir (string): (None) Path to the internal CWD in the container..
container_user_id (string): (None) User number id to be mapped inside the container..
container_shell_path (string): (/bin/bash) Path to the binary executable of the container shell..
Common config file
gmx_path: gmx
maxwarn: 1
dt: 0.0001
ld-seed: '1'
num_threads: 0
simulation_type: free
Docker config file
container_image: longr/gromacs-docker:latest
container_path: docker
container_volume_path: /inout
gmx_path: gmx
maxwarn: 1
dt: 0.0001
ld-seed: '1'
num_threads: 0
simulation_type: free
Singularity config file
container_image: gromacs.simg
container_path: singularity
container_volume_path: /inout
gmx_path: gmx
dt: 0.0001
ld-seed: '1'
num_threads: 0
simulation_type: free
Command line
grompp_mdrun --config config_grompp_mdrun.yml --input_gro_path grompp.gro --input_top_zip_path --output_trr_path ref_mdrun.trr --output_gro_path ref_mdrun.gro --output_edr_path ref_mdrun.edr --output_log_path ref_gmx_mdrun.log --input_cpt_path input.cpt --input_ndx_path input.ndx --input_mdp_path input.mdp --output_xtc_path output.xtc --output_cpt_path output.cpt --output_dhdl_path output.xvg
Common config file
"properties": {
"simulation_type": "free",
"maxwarn": 1,
"mdp": {
"ld-seed": "1",
"dt": 0.0001
"num_threads": 0,
"gmx_path": "gmx"
Docker config file
"properties": {
"simulation_type": "free",
"maxwarn": 1,
"mdp": {
"ld-seed": "1",
"dt": 0.0001
"num_threads": 0,
"gmx_path": "gmx",
"container_path": "docker",
"container_image": "longr/gromacs-docker:latest",
"container_volume_path": "/inout"
Singularity config file
"properties": {
"simulation_type": "free",
"mdp": {
"ld-seed": "1",
"dt": 0.0001
"num_threads": 0,
"gmx_path": "gmx",
"container_path": "singularity",
"container_image": "gromacs.simg",
"container_volume_path": "/inout"
Command line
grompp_mdrun --config config_grompp_mdrun.json --input_gro_path grompp.gro --input_top_zip_path --output_trr_path ref_mdrun.trr --output_gro_path ref_mdrun.gro --output_edr_path ref_mdrun.edr --output_log_path ref_gmx_mdrun.log --input_cpt_path input.cpt --input_ndx_path input.ndx --input_mdp_path input.mdp --output_xtc_path output.xtc --output_cpt_path output.cpt --output_dhdl_path output.xvg
Wrapper of the GROMACS genrestr module.
Get help
genrestr -h
/bin/sh: genrestr: command not found
I / O Arguments
Syntax: input_argument (datatype) : Definition
Config input / output arguments for this building block:
input_structure_path (string): Path to the input structure PDB, GRO or TPR format. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: PDB, GRO, TPR
output_itp_path (string): Path the output ITP topology file with restrains. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: ITP
input_ndx_path (string): Path to the input GROMACS index file, NDX format. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: NDX
Syntax: input_parameter (datatype) - (default_value) Definition
Config parameters for this building block:
restrained_group (string): (system) Index group that will be restrained..
force_constants (string): (500 500 500) Array of three floats defining the force constants.
gmx_lib (string): (None) Path set GROMACS GMXLIB environment variable..
gmx_path (string): (gmx) Path to the GROMACS executable binary..
remove_tmp (boolean): (True) Remove temporal files..
restart (boolean): (False) Do not execute if output files exist..
container_path (string): (None) Path to the binary executable of your container..
container_image (string): (gromacs/gromacs:latest) Container Image identifier..
container_volume_path (string): (/data) Path to an internal directory in the container..
container_working_dir (string): (None) Path to the internal CWD in the container..
container_user_id (string): (None) User number id to be mapped inside the container..
container_shell_path (string): (/bin/bash) Path to the binary executable of the container shell..
Common config file
force_constants: 500 500 500
restrained_group: system
Docker config file
container_image: longr/gromacs-docker:latest
container_path: docker
container_volume_path: /data
container_working_dir: /data
Singularity config file
container_image: gromacs.simg
container_path: singularity
container_volume_path: /data
container_working_dir: /data
Command line
genrestr --config config_genrestr.yml --input_structure_path genrestr.gro --output_itp_path ref_genrestr.itp --input_ndx_path genrestr.ndx
Common config file
"properties": {
"restrained_group": "system",
"force_constants": "500 500 500"
Docker config file
"properties": {
"container_path": "docker",
"container_image": "longr/gromacs-docker:latest",
"container_volume_path": "/data",
"container_working_dir": "/data"
Singularity config file
"properties": {
"container_path": "singularity",
"container_image": "gromacs.simg",
"container_volume_path": "/data",
"container_working_dir": "/data"
Command line
genrestr --config config_genrestr.json --input_structure_path genrestr.gro --output_itp_path ref_genrestr.itp --input_ndx_path genrestr.ndx